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Verónica Mota ist eine Avantgarde-Musikerin aus Berlin. Ihr Soloprojekt verschaffte Mota eine große Resonanz in den Bereichen der elektro-akustischen und analogen Klangsynthese. Zu dem musikalischen Einflüssen Motas zählen Delia Derbyshire, John Cage, Anne Gillis, COIL, Muslimgauze, SPK und Merzbow.
Ihr musikalisches Vokabular erstreckt sich dabei von alchemischen Sounds über Klangskulpturen, cineastische Soundscapes, Ritualmusik bis hin zu Ambient und Noise.
Ihre Musik erschien bei Lust Vessel (Japan), Hylé Tapes (Paris), Corpus Callosum (Leeds, UK) und weiteren Musik- und Sound Art-Labels wie Urban Arts Berlin.
Verónica Mota is a professional sound artist currently working in Berlin. Her works encompass analogue and digital synthesis, field recordings and Musique Concrète techniques, often displaying her proficiency at playing a variety of instruments. She has produced a large body of soundtrack work for Radio, film and performance, and, with Cubop & Espectra Negra, as a solo artist in her own right.
Verónica Mota is also the founder and curator behind Urban Arts Berlin, a non-profit arts organization based in Berlin, Germany. She works at bringing together excellent talents from all over the world. Her experience and hard work have found a fantastic global resonance in the field of sonic art. She has become one of the most important curators for supporting international female composers and musicians in Berlin. She does not, however, exclude male artists.
Urban Arts Berlin Radio is one of Mota's newer current projects where she presents and promotes the work of sound artists she has released under the Urban Arts Berlin label. Particularly relevant for her radio show is her excellent project Synthesis with two Volumes and a total of 75 sound works by professional composers -with a strong female presence- from all over the world. Urban Arts Berlin Radio is streamed in three platforms including Radio Resonance Extra in the United Kingdom, The Pi Radio Verbund Network and Urban Arts Berlin in Germany.
Since 2016 she has also been a member of The Ready Orchestra which brings together 21 female soloists based in Berlin with a Classic, Electronic, Electro-acoustic and Experimental background.
At present Verónica Mota is working on more ambitious projects which bring together live sound, vocalism, visuals and body art performance.

Photo by Kiril Bikov
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